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dosagem de kalk

Enviado: 18 Nov 2010, 21:21
por Marco Doretto
galera meu aqua tem 60 litros gostaria de saber qual a dosagem ideal de kalk para ele seria legal eu adicionar vinagre branco na mistura qual a medida, na parte do gotejamento estou fazendo com garrafa pet e somente anoite obrigado

Re: dosagem de kalk

Enviado: 19 Nov 2010, 08:49
por Celso Suguimoto
1.5 gramas de kalk

5ml vinagre

1 litro de agua.

Misturar o vinagre ao hidróxido de cálcio. Depois misturar a agua.

http://www.reefscapes.net/articles/bree ... asser.html

If you use Acetic Acid from a chemical company, buy a concentration of 5 per centAcetic Acid in water (an aqueous solution). If you use Distilled White Vinegar from the grocery store, look for an "acidity" of 5 per cent on the label. Never use any colored or flavored or Apple Vinegars.

"Kalk" powder is either lab-grade Ca(OH)2 (Calcium Hydroxide) from a chemical company, Kalkwasser Mix from an aquarium supplier, or Pickling Lime from the grocery store. It's all about the same. Use 1/2 teaspoon of the powder per quart of solution -- maybe a bit more if you use Pickling Lime from the grocery store, which is less Calcium by weight than the other sources.

Some words of caution, especially for any reefkeeping newbies out there -- If you are using Vinegar in your Kalk mix for the first time, I'd start off with 5 ml per quart at first. If you find you still need to get more Calcium into your tank per unit Kalkwasser, work up over a couple of weeks to a max of 12-15 ml per quart (the stoichiometric amount for Carbonate as recommended by Craig Bingman), or if you are feeling brave or really need lots of extra Calcium and de-Nitrate action as I do, a max of 24-30 ml (the stoichiometric amount for Bicarbonate, which I use).

Don't go whole-hog on the Vinegar from the start until you are sure your tank needs it and will take it without experiencing radical changes in pH, Calcium, Alkalinity, Magnesium, and the health of your critters and your Nitrifying bacteria. Measure ph, Alk, Calcium, Magnesium, and Nitrates with Salifert kits as you work up to more Vinegar.
Observe your livestock, especially if you have any really delicate corals or fish, to see that they behave normally as you use more Vinegar.

My tanks have very little evaporation, so I have to use lots of Vinegar to put in lots of Calcium with very little makeup water. If your tanks have tons of evaporation, use less Vinegar per volume since you don't need such a high Calcium boost per unit of Kalk water.

As with all things reefing, go slow, observe the reaction of your tank to any changes in what you add every week, and understand what and why you are doing. I don't want anyone coming back here on the board and blaming me for their fish that died when they poured 1000ml of Glacial Acetic Acid into their 55 gallon tank!

My methods are safe for me in my tanks -- your mileage may vary, so use due care.

Re: dosagem de kalk

Enviado: 19 Nov 2010, 10:09
por dletieri
Meu inglês está levemente enferrujado... Pouco melhor do que o de uma criança de 8 anos.... kkkk
Mas pelo que eu entendí o vinagre seria para aumentar a "potencia" do kalk para, como menos solução, proporcionar um maior aumento no calcio... É isto?

No meu aqua eu uso kalkwaser na água de reposição para que esta não abaixe muito o ph do aqua... Sendo assim, toda a agua de reposição vai com 1 col. café de kalk para 5l de agua... Pra mim, então, não teria motivo algum para adicionar, é isto???

Re: dosagem de kalk

Enviado: 18 Set 2011, 09:31
por jose Jorge
É interessante.............esse link que o Celso colocou.....................

Extraí um trecho do texto..........que eu achei importante.........

"Dissolving the Kalk powder in the Vinegar first will accomplish several very good things.

First, it will get more Calcium ions (Ca++) into the solution because you are dissolving the Ca(OH)2 in an acid instead of water, and forming Calcium Acetate, which exists as a dissociated equilibrium of free Calcium ions and Acetate ions.

Second, the Acetic Acid (Vinegar) provides an equivalent of all the CO2 you need to avoid precipitating the newly-added Calcium ions as useless white Calcium Carbonate powder.

Third, after all the cool Calcium ion chemistry is over, the leftover Acetate ions from the broken-down Vinegar leaves you with free organic Carbon in the water that feeds the bacteria in your tank so that it converts more poisonous Nitrates to NO2 gas (a very good thing). "